PhD and research
After graduating in Aerospace Engineering in Italy, I spent four years in Stockholm where I obtained my PhD at the Linné FLOW Centre at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My PhD thesis, which was awarded the GKN aerospace award in mechanics, focused on two main subjects: the numerical study of transitional and turbulent flow in bent pipes, and the search for a viable drag reduction mechanism in fully turbulent flows.
During this time I published eight journal articles and participated as a speaker in sixteen international conferences. I was also invited as a visiting researcher at Argonne National Laboratories, collaborated with the R&D group of Tetra Pak, co-supervised three Masters theses, and was teaching assistant for the CFD course for three years.
You can download my PhD thesis, and view my publications on my Google Scholar profile.
I also shot a number of photos during this time, regarding fluids and not. You can see more on my instagram page.
The CSElab at ETH Zurich hosted my first post-doc with an ETHZ fellowship. During this time I developed a machine learning model to improve CFD simulations on coarse grids.
I am currently doing a post-doc at ETH Zurich at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science. My focus is on improving the modelling of clouds and the water cycle by developing new parametrisations for subgrid-scale mechanisms.